Numbness (gigi) which occurs on the lips and gums might be described as a complete or partial loss of sensation. Meanwhile partial numbness may be associated with tingling or needle sensation. There are multiple causes and factors that might predispose to numbness in the mouth. Let’s find out more in this article!
Causes Of Lips and Gums Numbness
1.Vitamin B Deficiency
Insufficient amounts of vitamin B12 or folic acid (vitamin B9) inside the body may trigger a few symptoms including pain, burning mouth and numbness on the gums and lips. In addition it can also cause mouth ulcers. For your information, these vitamins are required to form red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the entire cells and tissues. The vitamins B12 and B9 can help to maintain a healthy nervous system. For those who are deficient with these vitamins may experience neurological symptoms, such as numbness, pins or needles sensation.
These symptoms may occur in other parts of the body, including the mouth. Other symptoms which might happens are :
- Mouth ulcers
- Sore and red tongue
- Memory problems, depression
2.Calcium Deficiency
Low calcium levels in the body are also known as hypocalcemia. This medical condition can cause numbness around the mouth including lips and gums. Symptoms which may include cramps, muscle spasms and seizures.
Hypocalcemia can occur because of the following conditions
- Thyroid problems
- Low vitamins D
2.Allergic Reaction
Moderate and severe allergic reactions may cause mouth numbness and tingling lips. This may be due to the reaction with food that you are allergic to or breathing in pollen. Oral allergy syndrome also known as pollen-fruit allergy syndrome, is a condition which defines when someone is sensitive and becomes allergic to the pollen of vegetable and fruit.Those who are having seasonal allergies are more likely to experience this problem.
This type of allergy only causes symptoms inside and around the mouth. The numbness is a local allergic reaction. Allergy symptoms which might appear :
- Sneezing
- Swelling
- Runny nose
- Accidental Bite And Variant Of Food
Sometimes it can happen randomly without you realizing that you have already bitten your tongue, lips or internal layer in the mouth accidentally while chewing the food, hence causing numbness in that area. Besides, eating or drinking something too hot or too spicy can also lead to mouth numbness. Cavity inside your tooth can also cause numbness in certain parts of your mouth due to the damaged or inflamed nerves in the mouth or lips
4.Low Blood Sugar
Diabetes and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can lead to multiple symptoms including mouth and lip numbness. As you know, a very low blood sugar level will affect the brain. The nerves that work to transmit signals from the tongue, lips and mouth may be temporarily damaged or not functioning well. Other symptoms which might be include in hypoglycemia:
- Shaking
- Sweating
- Hunger
- Chills
- Anxiety
Mouth cancer and throat cancer can trigger a number of symptoms that may include numbness in the mouth. The numb sensation may occur throughout the mouth and lip area. This condition happens when the cancer cells cause nerve or blood vessel damage in the mouth. Other symptoms that might happens include:
- Difficulty chewing or swallowing
- Soreness or irritation in the tongue or mouth area
- Red or white patches on the lips, tongue and mouth
- A sore jaw
A stroke can block the blood flow to your brain temporarily. This can cause a number of serious symptoms. In fact, stroke can also damage the nerves that deliver signals to your face, mouth, tongue, and throat. This may cause your mouth to become numb. But usually stroke will cause more than one symptom on the face.
Facial symptoms may include:
- Blurred vision
- Drooping and numbness at one side of the face and mouth
- Slurred speech
- Difficult in swallowing
7.Lingual Nerve Damage
In rare cases, sometimes people can develop damage to the lingual nerve during a dental procedure. This damage may result in numbness of the mouth.
The lingual nerve will give supply and provides sensation to the certain areas like:
- Floor of the mouth
- Front two-thirds of the tongue
- Lower gums
An individual should see a doctor if they experience continuous and persistent numbness in the mouth. But if the numbness occurs suddenly, an individual may need emergency medical attention. Please stay alert and be aware of your current condition as it may turn to severe if it is left untreated.